Wednesday, November 15, 2006

[SOLVED] Evolution mail view always showing mail bottom


I noticed, that my evolution was always directly scrolling to the end of a mail in the mail view. That was really annoying.


This is the “Cursor mode”. Just pressing F7 disables it and the mails are shown from the beginning. Source: MID <>

Friday, October 20, 2006

Repository key expired II

The repository archive key has expired. I've changed the expiration date, so you will have to update the key in your apt keyring. The updated key can be found at keyserver or locally in ASCII format at wgdd_archive_key.asc. Detailed information can be found in section Archive signing key.

Friday, October 6, 2006

My harddrive says “goodbye” and I'm off for a (short) while

Just a short note: One of my harddrives is going to die (only 16 months after purchase) and unfortunately it's the one with my beloved Debian installation. All data is saved and I'm now going to send my drive (for those who want to know it: it's a Samsung SP1614N) back to the manufacturer. So for the moment I'm unable to do package maintenance (but I hope Michael will do it if necessary), but I hope to be back very soon.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gtk+Extra 2.0 accepted into Debian

Debian now officially contains packages for Gtk+Extra 2.0. So I removed the packages from my repository. Please use the ones officially provided by Debian. There is no automatic way of upgrading to the official Debian packages, so you have to remove my packages first

su -c "apt-get remove --purge libgtkextra-2.0-1 libgtkextra-2.0-1-dev"

before you install the official Debian packages!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chemistry packages accepted in Debian

I'm proud to announce, that chemical MIME was accepted by the Debian FTP-masters and it is now part of the Debian distribution as package chemical-mime-data . However the GNOME chemistry utils are not yet accepted, but they are awaiting the review by the FTP-masters in the NEW-queue. The next packages will be gchempaint (probably 0.6.7) and bkchem (probably 0.11.5).

The Debian packaging files of these packages are officially maintained by the debichem Alioth project members (I belong to this group too) and they can be found in our SVN repository. I have to say "Many thanks!" to Michael Banck, my sponsor, and "Join us!" to all, who want to help packaging.

I've updated the Debian Wiki to fit the new situation. Search there, of you want to know, which packages await an review to suggest them for Debian officially.

Stay tuned.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Next RC 0.1.93 for chemical-mime-data delayed

Because of issues and changes inside the CVS infrastructure, it will need a few more days, before I can release the next RC for chemical-mime-data, which will be version 0.1.93. There are still a few steps to go for release 0.2.0, but we are on the way.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

First official chemical-mime-data release 0.1.92

Today I released the first official version of chemical-mime-data after moving back to This release is thought to be the first RC for the upcoming 0.2.0 version. I made massive changes since our last release of chemicalMIME 2. One important improvement is IMHO the database, which is now the place to drop all informations. Have a look at the release notes to get an overview, what has changed.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Repository key expired

The repository archive key had expired. I've changed the expiration date, so you will have to update the key in your apt keyring. The updated key can be found at keyserver or locally in ASCII format at wgdd_archive_key.asc. Detailed information can be found here.