So I got a little bit further with my little toy.
Bluetooth works. The packages gnome-bluetooth and bluez are installed and the kernel module bluetooth is loaded. hciconfig reports this:
# hciconfig hci0: Type: USB BD Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8 UP RUNNING PSCAN RX bytes:11354 acl:105 sco:0 events:286 errors:0 TX bytes:4012 acl:99 sco:0 commands:66 errors:0
I tried to connect to a SAMSUNG and a NOKIA mobile phone. After enabling visibility of the phone the bluetooth-applet showed the device. However I got an error saying The name org.openobex was not provided by any .service files
when trying to access the mobile device. This was solved by installing obexd-server obex-data-server. Then I was able to access the phone contents via Bluetooth.
I recently tried to debug the mopac7 build error. I installed the qemu(-kvm) emulator. Loading of the kvm_intel module failed with kvm: disabled by bios
. But this was easy to solve by enabling the Intel virtualization technology in the BIOS: push and hold the ESC key during startup until the laptop tells you to press the F1 key. Then enable the related BIOS option and you are done.